Reactivating Tourism in Los Cabos: Protocols at International Airport of Los Cabos

These last 2 years have been all about confinement and extreme personal care. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed mainly our lifestyle, social behaviors, and our way of thinking about the future. Today, we have been able to return to activities with extreme precautions thanks to vaccines against COVID-19.

After many highs and lows, we are all eager to reactivate our social life and begin to travel the world again. Los Cabos has been implementing several health strategies to continue offering a safe and clean destination by following the health guidelines that the government dictates. Identify all Protocols that Los Cabos Airport follows.

Being the first point of contact when arriving at the destination, the International Airport of Los Cabos has updated its protocols and security measures to benefit all visitors and users. If you plan to travel to Los Cabos soon, the Twenty4Seven Groups team recommends you know the following health guidelines:


  • Place protection panels at customer service counters (airlines, information points, etc.).
  • The staff will have personal protection equipment (mask, face shield/goggles).
  • Passengers must carry out web check-in to minimize contact with physical objects such as boarding passes and keyboards.
  • All passengers will apply the questionnaire for identifying risk factors in travelers to find out where they came from and whether they were in a high-risk place determined by the health authorities.
  • It is observed whether the passenger has any flu-like symptoms and/or respiratory problems (such as fever, fatigue, and dry cough); if it is positive, then:
    • You will be told that it is necessary to have it checked by the airport medical service.
    • If the doctor releases you, you can continue your journey.
    • If the doctor does not allow you to travel, the passenger service agent will notify the airport leader to guide the passenger about their flight.

Transit areas in airports

  • Bathrooms with sanitary equipment without user contact and carry out continuous sanitation.
  • Place sanitation stations: gel dispensers and sanitizing towels at clients’ disposal for cleaning seats in the last waiting rooms. Eliminate public drinking fountains and, if possible, replace them with points for filling bottles.
  • Signs of hygiene measures: hand washing, label sneezing, reducing surface contact, not touching the face, healthy distance, in different languages, audios, videos and Braille.
Be Responsible for your community and loved ones


  • Guards with PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) at the entrance verify boarding passes and document reviews without physical interaction or with biometric technology.
  • Sanitize the trays after each use.
  • Checking will be done with gloves and will be discarded after each use.
  • Temperature taking of employees and passengers.
  • Have enough health personnel at counters (to monitor people with symptoms) and at the health filters to apply questionnaires to symptomatic people (use alcohol gel and sanitizing towels at the end of the process).
  • Have enough staff to sanitize the spaces, surfaces, and objects of continuous use so that the measures are effective and facilitate the operation.
  • Constant disinfection of tunnels and/or corridors.
  • The area must indicate the health guidelines in several languages.
  • Project health recommendations on video screens

Documentation and baggage drop (baggage reception)

  • All staff in the area will have personal protection equipment (PPE)
  • Incorporate work breaks into your procedures so staff can wash their hands frequently.
  • Availability of 70% alcohol-based antibacterial gel at each counter and in each Baggage Drop (BD) area
  • Placing stanchions with signs to maintain a healthy distance
  • Frequent cleaning and sanitization of counters, kiosks, BD, and signage to comply with the healthy distance.
  • Thorough sanitation of the entire area, including wheelchairs, luggage racks, and luggage trolleys.

Last waiting room

  • Counter staff with personal protective equipment and with the least possible interaction.
  • Sanitization of furniture and areas continuously.
  • Availability of 70% alcohol-based antibacterial gel in dispensers distributed in the area.
  • Hand washing stations outside the bathroom.
  • All packaged foods.
  • Closed drinks and individual packaging.
Enjoy of Los Cabos and its wonders responsably

Boarding process

  • The counters (SUE, Connections, Customer Service) with protection panels.
  • Place a protector on the flight announcement microphones to avoid contamination by manipulation.
  • Signs in rows to keep a healthy distance.
  • The boarding process is from 10 to 10 people respecting a healthy distance.
  • Make the gate reader (QR reader) available to travelers to avoid manipulating the client’s devices.
  • Mark and maintain a healthy distance in the boarding tunnels.
  • Establish that the vendors and staff of the airline team constantly clean their counters with towels.

Cobus / shuttle

  • If transported by shuttle, the pertinent distance will be established inside of this vehicle and limit the number of passengers per unit.
  • Sanitization measures for the shuttle should be the same as for airplanes, considering the disinfection of the unit on each trip, with authorized disinfectants allowed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Use of the largest vehicles to have a greater distance between passengers.

Measures on board

  • All the crew must use masks during the entire flight time.
  • The flight attendants should rub their hands with alcohol gel after delivering any service to the passengers, pilot, and copilot, as well as use gloves to collect the service and dispose of them.
  • Secure antibacterial soap, paper towels, and sanitizing towels in bathrooms.
  • 70% alcohol-based antibacterial gel in bathroom entrances and hand washing reminders on mirrors
  • Frequent cleaning of bathrooms on flights of more than 2 two hours.
  • When crossing 10,000 feet, a disinfectant solution (60% isopropyl alcohol and 40% water) is sprayed along the passenger cabin aisle. Announce the disembarkation method respecting the healthy distance and apply 70% alcohol-based antibacterial gel when disembarking.
  • Sanitize each aircraft at the end of the flights and beginning.

Preventive measures related to airport services

  • Main airport entrances have a sanitation mat.
  • Check the temperature of each person before starting their activities.
  • Place alcohol gel dispensers at the door and other points in the air terminal. Place signage and recommendations for social distancing, hand hygiene, and preventive measures in places visible all over the airport.
  • Maintain signs that inform the continuous sanitation in common areas and frequent contact.
  • Display general Covid protocols in different languages.
  • Have containers for garbage with lids in different areas of the airport, with their respective signage.
  • Eliminate public drinking fountains and, if possible, replace them with points for filling bottles.

Protocols Airport of Los Cabos; Private Transportation

The Twenty4Seven Groups team implements all guidelines established by the state government regarding transportation and other services. Visit the government’s official page for more information and updates.

Get to know all our “COVID-19 Protocols” before traveling to Cabo for a safer vacation.

General guidelines

  • Drivers and all company personnel will carry out preventive COVID-19 measures
  • Each driver must have a sanitary kit consisting of a Mask, disinfectant spray, and antibacterial gel of 70% alcohol.

When passengers show up, they must observe the following actions:

  • Both passengers and staff avoid handshakes, hugs, and other forms of physical contact.
  • Always maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.
  • Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, mouth).
  • Wash or sanitize hands before eating, and do not share food or drinks with passengers.
  • Do not share or exchange your personal protection items (PPE).

The vendor will make sure to have the following supplies in sufficient quantity:

  • Liquid soap, disposable paper towels for hand drying, alcoholic gel minimum 70% and/or liquid alcohol, non-industrial chlorine.
  • Masks, disposable gloves, and protective glasses (only certain personnel will be used in certain circumstances).

Contact our experts and book your transportation services and all services required to operate a successful event in Los Cabos.

Preventive measures related to the use of transportation

In private vehicles, you must apply the following measures:

  • All units must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected at least 2 times a day and at each shift change.
  • You must have specific protocols for cleaning and daily disinfection of means of transport, including surfaces and objects of contact and common use.
  • Have a 70% alcohol-based disinfectant solution to give the passenger when boarding the vehicle.
  • Passengers must have a mask.
  • Restrict guidelines for drivers and staff include: do not ingest drinks or food during transfers and keep a healthy distance.
  • Transport exclusively seated passengers maintaining a separate space among them.
  • As far as possible, keep the windows open, so there is enough ventilation, allowing sunlight to enter the vehicle’s interior.
  • As far as possible, take the body temperature of passengers.
  • The driver must wear gloves and wash their hands during the working day and before and after wearing gloves.
  • Place alcohol-based gel dispensers for passengers at the door and another intermediate point in the vehicle.
  • Place advertising or allusive signs regarding measures to prevent COVID-19.
  • Have enough containers for the accumulation of garbage or disposable personal protective equipment, with a bag and with a lid pedal-operated or oscillating.