Recognise all Covid-19 Protocols for a safer travel to Cabo

Our top priority in Twenty4Seven Merging Youth & Experience is the health and wellbeing of travelers, their loved ones and our community. Therefore, we are working closely with local and national authorities to implement new guidelines which are aligned to the phase-based reopening plan recently developed in Los Cabos, and focused on strict standards that facilitate a safer travel environment. Read our following COVID-19 Protocols in Cabo for a safer vacation:

Airport Facilities

Implementation of health screenings upon arrival by Airport staff to detect and isolate travelers suspected to be infected with the virus including the following:

  • Thermal imaging to monitor and identify passengers with temperatures higher than 99.0
  • Isolation of infected travelers
  • Requirement under the Baja California Sur’s State authority’s mandate for masks or face coverings to be worn by all individuals at the airport and throughout the destination at all times when interacting with others who are not members of their household in public or private spaces, except for certain instances, such as when eating or drinking, etc.
  • Timely alerts to communicate positive COVID-19 cases at the airport

Strict implementation of social distancing measures at checking in and handling of luggage such as:

  • Airport staff and passengers to maintain a safe distance (6 feet) from others at all times including at check in, immigration area, language drop-off and pick up, boarding, and disembarking among many others. 
  • Airport staff to avoid touching passenger and crew boarding passes, luggage, identification documents, credit cards, mobile devices, etc. 
  • Seating arrangement to ensure separation and healthy distancing protocols 

-Increased sanitization and routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces and equipment, including equipment to transport luggage or cargo, scanners, touch screens, handrails, etc. 

-Dedicated personnel to respond to all COVID-19 related questions.

-Outside the building, Twenty4Seven Merging Youth & Experience drivers and staffwill wear face protection all the timeas well as their own hand sanitizer gel

-Twenty4Seven MergingYouth& Experience staff avoids any physical contact with travelersand their luggage

-Luggage will be disinfected by the driver once arrived to the meeting area

Transportation Services for COVID-19 Protocols in CABO

Safer Travels: Covid-19

Limitation of contact or contact with social distancing measures where possible, such as the:

  • Implementation of six-foot distance between drivers and passengers aswell as a reduction of the vehicle’s capacity to half the regular
  • Implementation of contactless transactions
  • Avoidance of exchange of objects between the driver and passenger, including free amenities, such as water bottles, brochures, etc.
  • Avoidance of utilizing a vehicle’s air recirculation option andbring in freshair instead (up to client’s requirements)
  • Increased sanitization and routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces during pre and post disinfection by sanitizing car interiors,handles and doors.

-Twenty4Seven Merging Youth & Experience drivers and staff will wear face protection all the time

-Antibacterial gel is available for travelers at all times

Contact our experts and book your transportation and all services required to operate a succesful event in Los Cabos.

Restaurants & Other Venues

San José del Cabo Shopping tour

Limitation of contact or contact with social distancing measures where possible, such as the:

  • Arrangement of tables at least three feet apart
  • Managing ofcapacity to avoid crowed spaces
  • Implementation of disposable menus or alternatives that can be cleaned and disinfected after each use 
  • Safer exchange of glassware, plates and utensils between staff and guests 

-Increased sanitization and routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces and equipment, including lounges, counters and tables, stools and chairs, handrails, beverage stations, trays, etc.

-Reduction of capacity rate according to Baja California Sur’s color-coded reopening classification system

Other Services Providers

Kayak at Arch fo Cabo San Lucas

Rigorous communication of all health and safety protocols to tourists visiting the destination Limitation of contact with social distancing measures where possible, such as the:

  • Maintenance of six-foot distance amongst guests at check-in lines 
  • Implementation of company or guide assessments of potential risks in crowded locations for tours and activities
  • Management of the capacity of groups for tours and activities 
  • Space between drivers and passengers in transportation units
  • Placement of transparent protective screens atcheck-inareas
  • Wearing of masks or face coverings at all timesfor employees, as wellas gloves when necessary, such as when serving food

-Increased sanitization and routine cleaning, including:

  • Cleaning of frequently touched surfaces, equipment, vehicles and self-guides
  • Availability of liquid soap and sanitizing gel for staff and tour or activity participants

-Implementation of an identification, detection and management process for staff or guests suspected of infection of COVID-19, such as:

  • Temperature checks for tour and activity participants at check-in
  • Maintenance of an occupancy rate, and operation capacity according toBaja California Sur’s color-coded reopening classification system


Apply increased personal hygiene practices, such as frequent and thorough hand washing as strictly as possible:

  • Avoid contact with people who are sick
  • Avoid traveling and contact with others if you arefermo. Stay home and seek medicaladvice if you get sick with fever, cough, or have difficulty breathing
  • Wear a mask or face covering in accordance with the Baja California Sur’s State authority’s mandate. All individuals should complyat all times when interacting with others who are not members of their household in public or private spaces, except for certain instances, such as when eating, drinking, swimming, etc.